
Choose from Three Options $55 for an initial consultation and one acupuncture treatment ($125 value) $95 for an initial consultation and two acupuncture treatments ($205 value) $34 for a 60-minute massage ($60 value) During the 20- to 30-minute consultation, the acupuncturist performs a quick physical exam of everything from the tongue to the pulse while asking the client to describe his or her pains and lifestyle habits. Based on these observations, the therapist identifies potential blockages in the flow of the body’s natural energies and then relieves those blockages by gently inserting thin, sterile needles. These 30-minute treatments ease physical symptoms and restore emotional and spiritual balance over time. Customers may purchase additional services from Munster Medical Acupuncture.

The fine Print:

Appointment required. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as gift. Valid only for option purchased. Not valid for customers who have attended the Munster Medical Acupuncture and Wellness Clinic in the year. May be repurchased every 30 days.

1650 45 th Av.,46321
Munster, IN
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